Wollongong Hospital Children’s Ward upgrade is underway!
16 April, 2019
Stage one of the Wollongong Hospital Children’s Ward redevelopment is now underway, thanks to a one million dollar pledge from the i98FM Illawarra Convoy & Illawarra Community Foundation.
Over the next 6-9 months, work will include the realignment of the main corridor outside the children’s ward to increase the footprint and make room for a new family room where parents will be able to take a break, have a cuppa and something to eat. “We are so excited that work is getting started to deliver our vision for the Kid’s Ward, based on a holistic approach to caring for our patients as well as their carers,” said Dr Susie Piper, Paediatrician and Co-Director Kids and Families at Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District.
Stage 1 of the redevelopment project is the largest in the overall planned redevelopment which will take place over the next few years. An additional $250,000 investment from the NSW Government as part of paediatric amenity upgrades to services across the state will assist in allowing the Children’s Ward to deliver improvements to family facilities.
“Having a child in hospital can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. By providing spaces that are welcoming and comfortable, we aim to help reduce some of that stress and anxiety for parents and carers,” Dr Piper said.
The one million dollar commitment from the i98FM Illawarra Convoy is in addition to the $250,000 generous contribution from the Illawarra Community Foundation in 2017, which enabled the Children’s Ward to relocate the Illawarra Hospital School and make way for a new ward entrance, reception and clinic space.
The Foundation has also supported the hospital with a new humidicrib, cough assist device, electric cars for children undergoing day surgery, and continues to directly support many families affected by potentially life threatening medical conditions, who are unfortunately often regular patients in the children’s ward.
“On behalf of the children and families who benefit from Convoy and the broader Illawarra community’s support, thank you for helping to make this possible.”
Approximately 3,500 children per year are admitted to the ward and several thousand go through the Paediatric Assessment Unit and Paediatric Outpatient clinics.
“This is an extremely important facility for the treatment of children in the region and we are proud to support stage one of the project” says Convoy Manager, Mark Rigby. “The upgrade will benefit any child in the Illawarra that has to attend the ward due to illness, and will allow their families and carers’ needs to also be met with better facilities so they can focus on the care of their child.”
Building works will commence from 15 April for a period of 6-9 months. During construction access to the Wollongong Hospital Children’s Ward will only be available from the ‘C’ lifts in the Crown Street Foyer. Please see www.islhd.health.nsw.gov.au for more
information on the building works.