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General Donations
General Donations Raised $2,595.00

Not sure which team to support? Donate to i98FM Illawarra Convoy directly with a general donation!

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Bobs cycling event Team page
Bobs cycling event Team page Raised $0.00

Bobs team cycling event page, join my team and help me raise money for Convoy!

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Sheree Mason’s Motorbike Ride for Convoy
Sheree Mason’s Motorbike Ride for Convoy Raised $0.00

Raising money for CONVOY and children in need has always been something I’m passionate about.

“You never know what is around the corner, and if you can help out in the community count us in.”

This year I’m approaching CONVOY a little differently. After reaching
a personal goal of completing the CONVOY Cycle 1000km two year’s
consecutively, raising over $58 000. I will be staying on two wheels
switching cycling for motorbike riding as the cycle isn’t going ahead
and I still want to raise much needed funds for those in need.

Together I will be teaming up with Wollongong Car Carriers to raise a
personal goal of $20,000 and a whole goal of $80,000 for lead truck.

Reaching the goal of $20,000 will see $78,000 raised for CONVOY since
2021 and I am aiming by 2025 that this figure exceeds $100,000.

With the support from our community, I know we can do this together.

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THE RMK GROUP Raised $0.00

Wow! Celebrating 20 years of The i98 Illawarra Convoy!
Here we go again folks, another year of fundraising for such an incredible cause.
THE RMK GROUP are in the process of finalising our 2024 fundraising events and we hope to see you there to support a cause that is close to all our hearts!
We look forward to bringing more tears of joy, happiness and relief to the families in our region who are facing adversity due to life threatening disease or illnesses.
Lets do this Illawarra!

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Throttle Jockies
Throttle Jockies Raised $190.00

The date is set and our most ambitious fundraising goal is set for the 20th year of Convoy! Let’s make this one our biggest yet!

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Tiny Tins & Wollongong Crane Trucks Grechy’s Boxing team page
Tiny Tins & Wollongong Crane Trucks Grechy’s Boxing team page Raised $11,015.00

Please help us to raise money for the Illawarra Community Foundation and reach our goal for lead truck in 2024!

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