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ALIVIE’’S TRUCK Raised $0.00

Want get the truck up in to the lead pack and rise money to help the family

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Farnells civil
Farnells civil Raised $0.00

FARNELL'S Lead Truck

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Grechys Boxing & Fitness
Grechys Boxing & Fitness Raised $0.00

Battle of the businesses fight nights.
A corporate Boxing event where local businesses/employees undergo a 10 week training program and step into the ring to compete and raise money for charity.

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Jack Podesta
Jack Podesta Raised $485.00

Jack has been a recipient of Illawarra Convoy for many years, as a thank you Jack would like his friends and family to donate money to convoy instead of buying him a birthday gift. Jack has fought hard against his terminal illness to reach his 18th birthday, he is a true hero, a fighter and a magnificent human. Please celebrate his 18th and honour his strength by donating to Illawarra Convoy. Thank you

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