Lead Truck and Bike Fundraising - how does it work?

Lead Motobike Bidding traditionally happens the Wednesday prior to Convoy & Lead Truck bidding traditionally happens on Thursday prior to Convoy on air with the i98FM Breakfast team, Marty, Crammy & Lyndal. To be a part of the auction and in ‘The Lead Truck or Motorbike Pack’ a minimum bid of $1,000 is required. Each bid is paid by the company or person, even if outbid by another person or company.

ANYONE wishing to donate over $1000 can do so by emailing marty@i98fm.com.au with your business name, bid and contact phone number. For Pledges over $1000 requiring an invoice for payment you can also use our pledge form on the donations page; https://illawarraconvoy.com.au/form/pledge-a-large-donation


If you are interested in participating in the auction, the rules are as follows:

To be a part of the auction and in ‘The Lead Truck Pack’ a minimum bid of $1,000 is required. Each bid is paid by the company or person, even if outbid by another person or company. This will get you ONE truck in the pack.

If you’d like more than one truck in the lead pack, then you need to bid $1,000 per truck up to FIVE trucks.

Anything over five trucks (or a $5,000 bid) is considered a company and you can enter as many trucks (within reason) from the ONE COMPANY as you like.

Your vehicles will be placed in order down the line based on the amount on money you have bid / donated to the i98fm Illawarra Convoy.

PLEASE NOTE: If you plan on bidding in the auction, you MUST still register your truck / trucks with convoy by filling out an application form and paying the $30 registration fee.

2020 Highest fundraisers were Coles Illawarra with a donation of $156,000


Lead Motorbike Bidding traditionally happens the Wednesday prior to Convoy on air with the i98FM Breakfast team, Marty, Crammy & Lyndal.

To be a part of the auction and in ‘The Lead Bike Pack’ a minimum bid of $1,000 is required. Each bid is paid by the company or person, even if outbid by another person or company. Bidding starts at $1,000 and the person or company with highest bid, will have the opportunity to have 20 bikes ride at the front of the Convoy in a lead pack that will be separated by Police from the rest of the bikes participating in the event.

PLEASE NOTE: If you plan on bidding in the auction, each motorbike rider MUST still register with convoy by filling out an application form and paying the $30 registration fee.

Grace Barnett (side car) leading Convoy with the Carr Brothers Motorcycles Lead bike team in 2017 after the team bid $70,513.10

To register your fundraising activity please contact our convoy manager; Mark Rigby rigbym@i98illawarraconvoy.com.au to discuss your fundraising ideas, and complete a sanction to fundraise so its all above board!

2020 lead donations from lowest to highest