Millie Hart receives support from the Illawarra Community Foundation
In 2016, 21 year old Millie Hart from Dapto was diagnosed with diffuse large B cell Lymphoma. Unfortunately after enduring several rounds of chemotherapy and radiography, and a period of remission, specilaists have now advised Millie that she has Gray Zone Lymphoma, an aggressive form of the disease which is very rare.
Millie is currently hospitalized and is due to have a stem cell transplant in April 2017 after having them harvested earlier this year. Her prognosis is guarded, as a chance of cure with chemotherapy and stem cell transplant is only 40-50%.
"Although I'm 21 years old and fighting a life threatening illness, oddly I have never been in higher spirits. Facing something like this often comes hand in hand with a new found appreciation for life, realising the importance of enjoying every day and the love of those around you." says Millie.
Millie’s mother is currently her full time carer, receiving Centrelink carer’s benefits, and due to Millie’s age she only receives a part payment because of Centrelink’s new rules for parental responsibilities.
"Millie’s illness has been very hard to deal with on so many levels. For Millie it has been a strain physically, and for our family, emotionally and financially as well. Thank you to the Illawarra Community Foundation for lifting this weight off my shoulders,’ say mother Lee-Anne Hart.
Millie has also been denied access to disability support as her prognosis is unknown and not definite, putting a lot of pressure on the family in regards to medication, living and fuel costs due to many visits to treatment centres & hospitals.
After submitting an application to the Illawarra Community Foundation, Millie’s application was presented to the board of directors, who granted Millie and her mother $2,000 in fuel vouchers, and $2,000 in food vouchers to help ease the burden during this difficult time.
"Assistance like this rids the burden of monetary stress and allows me to be able to enjoy every day, seeing my loved ones happy and stress free. It has been difficult financially for us during this time. I would not be able to get through this without the help of my Mum, financially and otherwise. This funding is beyond anything we could have hoped for and is going to be a such a huge help. Thank you to the Illawarra Community Foundation! What an amazing organisation." - Millie Hart
Funding information is available on the website,
“We encourage any family who has been struggling with a potentially life threatening illness to apply for funding through the Illawarra Community Foundation” says Marty Haynes from i98FM.