Convoy helps fund stage 4 of children’s ward upgrade
Convoy helps fund stage 4 of children’s ward upgrade with an $861,000 donation

Monday, 20th December 2021
After funding the first three stages of the Wollongong Hospital Children’s Ward, the Illawarra Community Foundation will proudly present Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District with a commitment of $861,000 for Stage 4 of the redevelopment of the Wollongong Hospital Children’s Ward. Illawarra Shoalhaven local health district will also contribute $439,000 to the project estimated to cost 1.3 million dollars.
Stage 4 of the redevelopment will see the refurbishment of patient rooms including new amenities as well as an upgraded staff station that will provide increased functionality for the ward.
Wollongong Hospital Children’s Ward Nurse Unit Manager Julie Haines said the new work will build on the previous stages of development and will make it easier for staff to care for children who are most in need of special care. Dr Susie Piper also paid tribute to the outstanding contribution of Convoy. “We are so grateful for the partnership with the Illawarra Community Foundation, which has enabled us to fast-track the redevelopment of our children’s ward. It has been more than 20 years since our patient rooms have been upgraded, so the announcement of stage 4 funding means we are able to deliver more modern and more comfortable facilities for the children and families of the Illawarra,” she said.
It’s anticipated construction will begin in late January. “We are extremely proud to support Stage four of the children’s ward upgrade, to enhance the care of children within our region,” says Illawarra Community Foundation and i98FM Illawarra Convoy manager Mark Rigby. “Approximately 3,500 children per year are admitted to the ward and several thousand go through the Paediatric Assessment Unit and Paediatric Outpatient clinics annually. Anyone who donated and contributed to Convoy over the years should be very proud of what we are able to help the hospital achieve with the funds raised. We have seen the impact that the first three stages of the upgrade funded by Convoy has made and we are excited to help enhance the quality of care for children within the ward by supporting the fourth stage of this 5 stage project.”
Today’s donation is on top of the $250,000 generously contributed from the Illawarra Community Foundation in 2017 for stage 1, 1 million donated in 2018 for Stage 2, & 1.2 million donated in 2019 for Stage 3 taking the total donated to the redevelopment project to over 3.3 million dollars. The Foundation has also supported the hospital with a new humidicrib, cough assist devices, electric cars for day surgery and continues to directly support many families affected by potentially life threatening medical conditions, who are unfortunately often regular patients in the children’s ward.
Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District Chief Executive Margot Mains said it was exciting to be able to plan for the next stage of the ward upgrade. “We are so grateful to Convoy, and the people who support their fundraising efforts, for helping us to enhance the care we provide,’’ Ms Mains said.“On behalf of the children and families who benefit from Convoy and the broader Illawarra community’s support, thank you for helping to make this important work possible.’’
Funding information for families and individuals affected by potentially life threatening medical conditions is available on the website