Convoy helps Can Assist support cancer patients in the Shoalhaven
The Shoalhaven branch of Can Assist is dedicated to supporting anyone in the Shoalhaven area, from Berry to North Durras, affected by cancer. Following a cancer diagnosis, families can struggle with the costs associated with cancer and by keeping the money we raise in their branch they are able to give direct financial support to those with a cancer diagnosis. In rural and regional NSW a cancer diagnosis is made more difficult by the financial burden of travel and accommodation expenses. In fact it can easily cost someone five times more to access their treatment than it would in the city.
Can Assist is a grass roots, community based charity dedicated solely to supporting country NSW people and their families affected by cancer. Offering a range of practical services that include a financial assistance program to ease the burden during your cancer journey, the Can Assist Shoalhaven branch is one of approximately 50 branches of the Cancer Patients’ Assistance Society of New South Wales.
The Shoalhaven branch receives donations and raises its own funds to provide financial assistance to families in the Shoalhaven region experiencing financial stress as a result of a cancer diagnosis. This financial stress can result from the actual direct costs associated with undergoing cancer treatment or the loss in income as a result of the patient or carer being unable to work.
The requests for assistance generally come from the social workers at the Shoalhaven Cancer Care Centre & Can Assist Shoalhaven is seeing an increase in the number of families requiring financial assistance to meet day-to-day living costs. This increase also indicates there is a definite need for Can Assist to undertake more fundraising in the Shoalhaven area to help achieve the organisations goals. The Shoalhaven branch regularly attends events and operates fundraising BBQs to help raise funds for their clients support. After Ray Davey from Can Assist submitted an application to the Illawarra Community Foundation for funds raised during the 2016 i98FM Illawarra Convoy, to support the purchase of a purpose built BBQ/fundraising trailer for the organisation, the request was granted.
“A dedicated BBQ/fundraising trailer will make it much easier for our volunteer branch members to attend events and to effectively raise funds for distribution to cancer patients in the Shoalhaven region.” said Ray. “We are delighted to receive support from the Illawarra Community Foundation, and would like to thank all the amazing contributors who donated to the i98FM Illawarra Convoy last year. Without them this funding wouldn’t be available”
One of those generous local businesses who contributed to the event last year, was Shoalhaven Recycling, who raised a whopping $25,000 with the help of around 30 generous businesses from the Shoalhaven Region. Ben Hobbs from Shoalhaven Recycling was in attendance to
“We at Shoalhaven Recycling would like to thank the local businesses that made this all possible by donating their funds to Shoalhaven Recycling for the Convoy” said Ben. “Without these local businesses, it would not have been possible;
Shoalhaven Signs - B & B Heavy Haulage - New Image Kitchens - C & S Trees -Arctec Engineering - Kinghorn Motors - A & D Trees - Business Machines Specialist - South Coast Track Repairs - Bomaderry Printing - Production Products - Kel Campbell - Watsons Auto Electrics - TJM Transport - Southern Business Machines -Cleanaway - South Nowra
- North Nowra Tavern - Paul Brown - Australia Paper Recovery NSW - Stillwell Trucks - MR BOOM BOOM Fire Works - Nowra Tilt Tray - Bomaderry Junior Rugby League - D&Y Smash Repairs - Clack & King - Garbutt’s Truck and Bus Panel and Paint.”
The Shoalhaven branch of Can Assist routinely pays for utility bills, scans, special food, dental treatment and vehicle running costs as well as providing food and petrol vouchers for cancer patients in the Shoalhaven region. For this financial year to date, the branch has provided over $30,000 in assistance to 69 families, some on more than one occasion.
Aware of the support provided by Can Assist, and after funding a new trailer for the organisation, the Illawarra Community Foundation also provided Can Assist $25,000 in financial support, allowing the organisation to assist more families affected by cancer in the Shoalhaven Region.
Illawarra Community Foundation Funding is available for not for profit organisations working with clients with potentially life threatening medical conditions in the Wollongong, Shellharbour, Kiama, and Shoalhaven regions. Direct funding for individuals and families affected by potentially life threatening medical conditions is also available.
For more information on how to apply for funding through the Illawarra Community Foundation, visit
To access Financial Assistance from Can Assist, Shoalhaven
Can Assist Shoalhaven
PO Box 1444 Nowra NSW 2541
0401 253 259