Ryder receives support from riders & truckies!
In June 2017 Ryder Creamer, from Berkeley, was diagnosed with a lung tumour at just four years of age.

In June 2017 Ryder Creamer, from Berkeley, was diagnosed with a lung tumour at just four years of age. After months of coughing, return visits to Doctors and a mis-diagnosis of asthma the news came as a shock and resulted in almost
immediate treatment, splitting the family in two, as Ryder’s mother and father both needed to be with Ryder during visits to Doctor’s and Hospital, whilst his two sisters Minka & Monika were being looked after by other members of the family.
Ryder’s diagnosis meant both parents had to take immediate leave without pay to ensure he was able to get the treatment and support he required, as quickly as possible. On the 17th of August 2017, Ryder was admitted to Sydney Children’s
Hospital, where he had a portion of his left lung removed, followed by 2 days in ICU, and a further 7 days post-operative recovery.
Ryder’s biopsy had been sent to Boston, USA, yet results came back inconclusive, leaving the family unsure of what the future holds. Ryder will continue having CT scans and MRIs every 3 months at Randwick Childrens Hospital. The family will be closely monitoring Ryder’s health and look forward to seeing him participate in daily activities without struggling.
Aware of the funding and support offered by the Illawarra Community Foundation, Ryder’s mother Izabela submitted an application applying for funds raised during Convoy.
“Asking for assistance is not easy, we always think there’s someone out there that will need it more than us, but we would be grateful to receive any help” said Izabela.
The Illawarra Community Foundation funding committee agreed to support Ryder and his family with food and fuel vouchers to help ease the financial burden that his treatment has left on the family.
“We are proud to provide support to Ryder and his family,” says Mark Rigby, Illawarra Convoy Manager. “It is families like the Creamer’s that inspire the Illawarra to get behind Convoy every year. It is our pleasure to pass on the funds raised to people in need and we other encourage individuals and families who are affected by potentially life threatening medical conditions to reach out for assistance by submitting an application.
Funding is now available and all information is available on the www.illawarraconvoy.com.au website.